Last week we lost one of our long-time 9th Avenue team members, Buddy. Buddy, our store feline mascot and honorary security guard, passed away after a heart ailment led to a stroke.
Buddy was one of our most tenured “employees,” having shown up to apply for the position about eight years ago. He didn’t see the interview process as a necessity, and automatically assumed his new role as an official store greeter. Not one to work for free, he soon acquired a new bed for lounging and insisted that a cat door be installed into the kitchen in the event a midnight snack was needed.
Buddy also was our evening and weekend security detail, and literally knew every nook and cranny of the building. He patrolled the grounds by day in warmer weather, always in search of some friendly visitor willing to scratch his head. He had the staff well trained to come in and feed him on Sundays or days ReSource York was closed. He was a very fair boss and repaid all kindness with affection.
Buddy had many friends and supporters. His food and healthcare (top-notch employee benefits here!) were funded by a donation jar that sat at the front check-out counter. That jar was never empty, a real testament to cat lovers all across York County who sometimes came in just to say hello to him!
The entire staff at ReSource mourns the loss of a long-time friend. If you get the chance, stop by to remember him, and if you have a Buddy story to tell, please share it with us. Any donations remaining in his “Buddy fund” will be forwarded to the York County SPCA.