I’ve always had an affinity for thrifting. Besides the price-point, I much prefer the idea of being able to recycle and reuse items to give them a new life. Since becoming a parent, my feelings about this have only intensified! With the rate that kids get bored and grow out of toys and other items, you can find so many second-hand items in really great condition. I also feel strongly that we should de-stigmatize the idea that all gifts you give a child (or each other for that matter) have to be brand new, but I digress.
For the longest time, I was unaware that ReSource York even sold kids’ stuff. We had gone to the 9th Avenue store for years for building and home supplies as we have been working on our house, but once I realized the Carlisle Ave. store had a kids’ room, I was done.
I really love taking my 3-year-old daughter there, not only because there is a lot of turnover (always something new), but also because I feel really comfortable letting her choose things for herself there. I want to nurture her new-found sense of independence, and let her make her own choices, develop her own style; BUT, aisles and aisles of brand new, expensive, and obnoxiously pink toys “for girls”? No thanks.
When we are looking for a small reward for potty training, choosing new holiday decorations, or just need a reason to get out of the house, I can take her to Re-Source and let her roam the kids’ room. It’s small, contained, and I know I’ll be happy about the price of anything she might pick to bring home. Our most recent trip included a set of 4 plastic cereal bowls we got for $1, a gold bow that you would stick on a present, and a sippy cup for her little brother.
Our total? $3.75. An easy, pandemic-safe outing where she felt empowered to choose things for herself? Totally priceless.