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Worthy of a Second Chance

Thrift stores. Flea markets and vintage bazaars. Creative reuse centers. Antique shops and architectural warehouses. There’s just something about secondhand shops. The history they hold. The memories they spark and stories they elicit. The potential they inspire.

Now, they’re not everybody’s cup of tea. Some people can’t get into it. All they see is a bunch of dusty old junk. And that’s all right. Because there are also people – a special lot of us thrift hounds, DIY junkies, scavengers, and green advocates – who relish the hunt, who see beauty beneath blemishes, and dig their way through piles to uncover hidden gems. Some of us expect, and may I say, appreciate, a few flaws; that’s what gives a treasure “character.”

There are folks who recognize the value of dedicating time and attention to a piece, to upcycle or rework it into a new purpose, to refresh its appearance, to restore its usefulness. And, of course, there’s the added benefit of keeping usable stuff out of the landfill.

We see a lot of all these people at our Re-Source York stores. People like Aaron and Krista Guhl of Honeywood Restoration.

As furniture restorers, Aaron and Krista are always on the lookout for interesting furniture pieces needing some TLC. They like to scout local yard sales and can regularly also be found at Re-Source York, probably on the hunt for old hardware to finish up a project.

That’s where they recently found these sweet nesting tables, which Aaron is refinishing and will then be donating back to Re-Source York to sell.

Before                                                                             After

It’s not just the goods in the stores, though, that make Aaron and Krista dedicated customers; it’s the mission: to inspire our community by being environmentally and socially responsible.

Re-Source York is more than a retail shop with interesting donated goods at bargain prices. As someone who used to work as a behavioral tech for a regional intermediate unit helping students with challenging and diversified needs, Aaron appreciates that RSY partners with Bell Socialization Services.

The partnership includes training and employing Bell service users through the agency’s mental health vocational programs, which has led to dozens of people developing the skills needed to transition into full-time work at Re-Source and jobs elsewhere.

Aaron and Krista also value shopping at Re-Source because they like knowing that a portion of all sales is donated to Bell Family Shelter, lifting up York County families who are experiencing homelessness by providing a safe place to stay, access to resources and life-skills families need to get back on their feet. So really, each purchase at Re-Source also advances Bell’s mission to provide an environment of support and empowerment where people can improve their quality of living. It’s a win for customers, a win for the environment, and a win for the community.

Follow Honeywood Restoration– and the progress on those nesting tables – on their Facebook and/or Instagram pages. And remember to share photos from YOUR RSY-related projects, too.


During                                      Before                                        After                             After

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